I want to thank all my followers. I can't believe I actally have one hundred of you. You guys are awsome. I'm sorry I wasn't here past, I don't know how long actually. I was on another account, writing some L/OC fanfic, that I don't know if I'll ever post. Same here, I posted "Why Can't We Be a Thing?" and the epilogue to The New Guardians, but I don't know if I will post another of my little writings. I write for fun, because it's my hobby and I would love it if someone enjoyed it. I will not stop writing though, I'll keep doing it as long as I can. I also think that most of my stories are crap and not worth your time. I think that mostly about my actual first fanfic that I don't know why posted here. Maybe I just have self-concious problems. I also only have time to write on my summer vacation, because I'm in a very demanding secondary school and I have to make sure I won't slack in my second year like everyone does. It was just an update.
Thanks for being here,