GUUYYSSS!!! I'm so happy! I just published my "Sasuke x Reader"! If you don't mind, go read the first chapter and tell me how I did, please! This is the first time I've ever published a book I've made, so it's a pretty big deal for me. I've also always been crazy about writing since I was a child. I hope I've started my book off well. Thank you, and good day/night.


GUUYYSSS!!! I'm so happy! I just published my "Sasuke x Reader"! If you don't mind, go read the first chapter and tell me how I did, please! This is the first time I've ever published a book I've made, so it's a pretty big deal for me. I've also always been crazy about writing since I was a child. I hope I've started my book off well. Thank you, and good day/night.


Okay, guys. I need your opinions on something. Should I post the first chapter of a “SasukexReader” I’ve been working on? Now, honestly, I don’t think it’s the best at the moment but I’m Going to see how much I can improve it in the next few chapters!


@winter-amnesiac Also, your a nice sport ^~^