Hey, hi I need friends HMU. Istg I’m deprecate at this point


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          Currently I’m numb. I don’t know what to do, who to talk to (my fricken therapist likes to play broken tlelephome with my parents. It’s like shit I say goes in one ear and comes out her mouth as a whole different story) there’s a box cutter under my pillow. I’ve been contemplating on whether I should stab myself to see if I can feel something, or just lie here, numb. Waiting for the feeling to pass. But right now I’m desperate. Desperate to feel something - even if I hurt myself. I just want to feel human
          OKAY! HOLY SHIT! I re-read my  diary and this dark ass motherfucking paragraph is in it and I never knew I was so dark. WTF this was labeled THOUHGTS?! IM SO DEEP WHAT THE FUCK!!


It’s ok to feel these things. Just make sure when you feel then you have someone you trust to talk to. Have a good week!


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@ITSKAHAMAN girl you scared the fuck out of me!!!!
            I was like..."....damn she crazy"


Dear Stranger, 
          Stumbled you have upon our humble story, and this bumbling fool is very glad you did. May this story give light to your path, like the shine of distant stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
          (By which I mean thanks for checking out my story! ❤️ )


Ayia~ loves your book ‘The Wandering God’ 