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July 4, 2022. America doesn't deserve one this year. They took rights of women away, making the decision go to the states. What if the state they live in make them illegal? Fuck the states. What else are they gonna take from us? They're taking abortions away, what happens if a teen gets pregnant and they're the governors daughter? do they get that right back? They rather take things that do no harm. They dont give a shit about African Americans, yet they beat them till they're dead. They rather kill African American kids than kill White men in a school shooting. Black people get harrassed, killed, and hate crimed every day. and what do they do? nothing. Strange things happen in america, but no one helps, No one helps. Not even the justice system that we should be able to trust. I'm 14 and I'm afraid of what this country is gonna turn into. I know people including myself that are SCARED of WHITE MEN, COPS AND GUNS, and what does america have to say then? Nothing, they silence us, they hurt us into saying nothing.