I (h)ave dr(e)ams which some peop(l)e would describe them as... how do you say it... just (p)lain scary. But I interpret the(m) as fu(e)l for my stories. And I guess I'm good at art too? (P)aint has a(l)ways b(e)en my le(as)t favorit(e) medium too work with. Though (I) have to ad(m)it that it can make (b)eautiful art pi(e)ces if you have patience to work with it. Drawing on the other hand is my favorite medium to work with! I high recommend you (g)ive it a chance some time. Even if you think that your not that (g)reat at (i)t, art is art after all. All you (n)eed is a pencil, a piece of paper, and a bit of creativity and you have art! Though mine as always been bad 😅. I'm (g)lad that (you) would want to go through this writing experience with me as I'm branching out to see what kind of other types of art I enjoy.
  • Hell
  • JoinedApril 29, 2019