
Hello, this is Alexa San.
          	First of all, I want to say I am really sorry for making you wait for months. I've been so caught up with schoolwork. Trust me, I've tried forcing myself to sit and write a chapter, but I’ve run out of ideas and literally forgot all the plots I had in mind. 
          	So, I will not delete my ongoing book, "Courtside Confession," but I will start by making a one-shot book and try to upload as regularly as possible.
          	Thank you for understanding and for your continued support!


Hello, this is Alexa San.
          First of all, I want to say I am really sorry for making you wait for months. I've been so caught up with schoolwork. Trust me, I've tried forcing myself to sit and write a chapter, but I’ve run out of ideas and literally forgot all the plots I had in mind. 
          So, I will not delete my ongoing book, "Courtside Confession," but I will start by making a one-shot book and try to upload as regularly as possible.
          Thank you for understanding and for your continued support!


On January 14th, I last updated a new chapter of "Courtside Confession." I apologize for the long absence of updates. Lately, I haven't been in the right headspace to gather my thoughts and write fiction. As you may have noticed, some chapters of this story are rather dull. This happens when I force myself to sit down and finish a chapter just to meet a deadline. However, I'm making an effort to continue the story now.
          For the first time in over a month, I'm updating a new chapter on Wednesday. Thank you to everyone who has supported and loved this story.


@IWannaBeViVi I can't wait to be Wednesday!!