Hey so I know that you didnt do this on purpose and I’m not trying to upset you but i just wanted to say about the percy in gotham fic.... wtf was that supposed racism representation???? It was so inaccurate and honestly kind of offensive, as a person of color, to read. So much so that i couldnt finish the story. I understand you must be a young writer but you have no idea how racism works, how it should be handled in a work environment like in the story, and the impact of these interactions on POCs. Also, i understand that you wanted to make percy a POC but you were doing your story and readers a disservice by writing about a topic you clearly have not researched or personally understood. Hell, I’m probably younger than you so I’m not trying to shame you. But darling, this just ain’t it sis. Also in case you were unaware, the term, “Jap” was a slur against Japanese during and after World War II. And holds A painful legacy from things like the bombing of Hiroshima to the United States Japanese internment camps (where legal US citizens we’re forced to live in deplorable conditions and lost everything after release because of such racism and prejudice). And even if it has no heat behind it please don’t write racial slurs as a white woman especially the N-word with a hard R (it is the more racist of the two). If you’re going to censor the N-word to make sure you’re censoring the right word. This story honestly just sounds like you’re trying to elevate yourself, like you are above racism or something. Just please stop. Honestly just, just stop. Write about what you know when understand, and talking to a few friends Who happen to be Asian does not represent all other races and backgrounds. Your friends might’ve said it wasn’t offensive to them, but that still doesn’t make this right to publish. I might be going a little too hard on you but you have to understand the demographic the site caters to and how that affects people biases as they age.