
big things are still coming guys i promise im just really busy


| "Damn. We're really never going to see each other again." Bianca said as she let go of him. Foster hoped like hell it wasn't true. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, inside and out, and for him to hear that sounded like twelve consecutive gut punches.
          "Don't say that. My senior trip, I'll come to Italy and we'll get hammered together." Foster searched for an option. He used his senior trip as a fleeting grasp at straws to get an excuse to see the beautiful girl standing in front of him. Bianca's eyes lit up.
          "Yess! We'll get so wasted. I can't wait." The graduation hat on her head shifted as she excitedly agreed.
          "I'm super proud of you. I'm gonna miss you a ton." Foster wrapped Bianca in a tight hug.
          "Don't make me cry." Bianca looked up at him. Foster briefly considered kissing her, but swatted away that thought. He didn't let go. People walked by. Some stared. He didn't care. This was the woman of his dreams, and this was the last time he'd see her until she ventured into the great unknown of Europe again.
          "I love you." Foster muttered to her. No response. Her head was buried into his chest and her graduate's cap was shifted awkwardly on her head. It was indicative of their relationship, or what Foster believed they had. |
          just a lil snippet. probably wont be a full product but ive been workin


im never gonna dance again
          guilty feet have got no rhythm
          though its easy to pretend
          i know youre not a fool
          i should have known better than to cheat a friend
          and waste the chance that id been given
          so im never gonna dance again
          the way i danced with you
          tonight the music seems so loud
          i wish that we could lose this crowd
          maybe its better this way
          we hurt each other with the things we want to say
          we could have been so good together
          we could have did this dance forever
          but now whos gonna dance with me


          | Windows Dialog                   [-] [口] [×] |
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          | Windows has detected that Kid Veggie is good at baseball.                                |
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          |         | Yes   |      | Maybe |              |    No      |          |
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