Hello Lovelies,
I would just like to personally thank everyone who's been reading my 'Jackerine Oneshots'. You don't know how much each read, vote, and comment means to me. You all are just so wonderful. I'd also like to personally thank @ScatterBrain52, you are so wonderful and always comment on every part I post have given me so much support and I will never be able to express how much that means to me! You are truly the best and I just wanted to let you know that.
I know that I'm slow to posting new parts, but that's just because I want them to be perfect for you guys. Please remember that I love hearing any and all suggestions you guys have. And just as a disclaimer, I do read every message and comment you send, evern if I don't always respond, though I do try to respond to everyone.
Thank you all again.
Ever Yours,