since 2018 is coming to an end i want to thank some persons for their support and love towards me, or i should rather say i want to thank them for their existence.
even tho i may haven't talked to some of you guys since a bit or i haven't known some of you for a long time, i truly cherish every single one of you guys!! thank you for being there for me whenever i had a hard time or helping me whenever your little mau needed an advice or smth. y'all don't know how important you are to me and i seriously don't know how i would've survived 2018 without your support!!
if you're one of those people to which i haven't talked to in a long time — let's chat again in 2019 because i truly miss you! on the other hand if you're one of those people who i've just met recently, let's not stop talking and continue to have a great friendship in 2019 and longer.
if you're tagged in this post it means that you've defined atleast a few months (if not the whole year) for me and i'm so grateful for your existence. feel loved & hugged, please never change the way you are for anyone because you're the greatest persons i know!