April: :3 why u make ur oc's SiMp for some of us? owo Moon: bru
Reading List
I did a funni on my free time and made a book about all the information for all my ocs that I currently have. So far I got to Daniel, Oliver, and T.S. Hope y'all like it! ^^ Oh and by the way, expect some rewritten chapters for A Raioster's Destiny soon, I finally got motivation to write again!
April: :3 why u make ur oc's SiMp for some of us? owo Moon: bru
I did a funni on my free time and made a book about all the information for all my ocs that I currently have. So far I got to Daniel, Oliver, and T.S. Hope y'all like it! ^^ Oh and by the way, expect some rewritten chapters for A Raioster's Destiny soon, I finally got motivation to write again!
I'm thinking about rewriting the parts "Unexpected Recruitment" all the way to "Sudden Shift" in my first book, "A Raioster's Destiny", because I'm starting to not like those parts. I feel like there are a ton of inconsistencies, missing/skipped sections, and plotholes. Like at the end of the second part of the backstory, he had no friends, but immediately in the next part he just suddenly has alot a friends? That just screams "bad storytelling" to me. I also might remove the added OCs that aren't mine because singe they aren't mine, it's hard for me to make their dialogues due to lack of communication with the original creators. If I could be in a voice call with one of the creators of an OC, like @Minty-Midnight or my friend, Willow, from Omlet Arcade, it would make things alot easier to write their OCs dialogues. But I'm still thinking this over, but don't be surprised to see alot of things change in that book in the near future. I'll update on y'all later.
Do what ever u want with my oc's, it's your story. Your world, what ever they say, it's all in your world :]
Zane: aHa! I hAvE hAcKeD uNcLe dAniEl'S aCcOuNt! :3
*Daniel was reading something off a paper* Daniel: th- th- the d- dog wa- was- run- running- f- for- *Oliver came in* Oliver: BRO HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU NOT READ THIS? GIMME THAT! *he snatched the paper from Daniel's hands* The paper read: "th- th- the d- dog wa- was- run- running- f- for- t- the b- ba- ball" Oliver: ...
@I_AmInsane Moon: b r u - claps - the person who wrote this paper is an idiot Wolfie: who tf wrote dis?? Rex: aight, someone gonna die today
am pablo the phrog and I have hijacked this account. remember kids, it's always ok to steal thin- oh shit, daniel's back, brb
just realized this is a thing, ima abuse it.
Moon: hey, has u ever thought about how we just might all be fake? Like how the shape shifters have a fake version of themselves...?
*commits t pose* dominance t pose B)
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