@bl4kr0z3 Lol, all the countries that end with -stan. Pakistan, Kurdistan, Tajikistan uzbekistan, you get the pattern. I've heard of Liechtenstein. Where's that at?
@bl4kr0z3 Mostly Arabian, Medeterainian and Asia. I've been to some parts of the US and Europe though. I've visited all the -Stan countries too.
I'll look it up.
@bl4kr0z3 Haha, I've seen funny things in my backpacking days. I've probably done retarded things myself, but deffinantly not riding a train on the other side. In a modern city, at least. Is it on YouTube?
@bl4kr0z3 Haha, I hate that about the city. People fight so much. It's like, get a bloody divorce all ready. But that's heartless, but it's still annoying nonetheless. They should go for therapy, or anger management.
@bl4kr0z3 We have kukaburra in the mornings, crickets and the sheep(I was raised on a farm). We have all these insects and things. It's alright, not like the city. But the city folk always complain about our noise when they come over.