
UPDATE: I emailed Wattpad and they said they will temporarily keep it up for editing and I had to remove parts that describes cuts etc. and if I do that then they won't touch it anymore in the future. So I  had to edit parts in How to Self Harm and tried to fix it without interfering with Wattpads policy... Sorry about that.


I've been clean for a week now because if your books. Thank you so much for writing them. I don't care if Post-It-note Girl was a little cliché, the message it held still resonated within me and I just wanted to tell you that you are an amazing person.


Hey Girl,
          Just wanted to say I'm in love with ur book and i hope you write more. And i have a little message for those who do self harm that there are many ways for you to cope your bad feeling like listen to music watch movies go shopping read books write books it really helps i know that because i recovered from it. You don't need anyone else tell you what you are or how beautiful you are its upon us how we look at yourself if you love yourself, you don't need anyone else. 


Hi I'm a new follower and I can't tell you thank you enough. Your books are veary inspirational. I've read many things like that trying to make myself feel better but it never worked and yours did. I have depression and anxiety and things are really hard right now but your words really helped me so thank you.


Dear Christina,
               I just want to say that I'm happy and proud that you were so inspirational to so many people and that you brought the matter of self harm to people's attention. Now, I don't have those problems, but I know that they exist and I know people who have to deal with that. It breaks my heart to see people struggle but I'm glad to see you're fighting against it!  Stay strong and know that God loves you, I love you, and a WHOLE lot of other people love and care about you too! :)


I love your book, The Post It Note Girl is currently one of my favorite wattpad novels. It is so inspiring and I was going through a hard time when I started reading it. I love how well you describe what it feels like to be depressed. Keep up your amazing work with the story.