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When I first met my best friend I had a strange habbit of saying "I burped" after burping. The first time I was at his house we were on the roof with some beer and I burped, and said, "I burped". He clapped really loudly, "WOW YOU'RE SO SPECIAL! CONGRATS DUDE" And sense that day, everytime I burp, he claps for me.
During my 8th grade year when my best friend and I were walking to his house. He then sneezed and it was completely silent. E then broke the silence with "Wow... Not even a fuck you?" I was rolling in the dirt for five minutes.
The first one I met my best friend was in 7th grade. He was the new kid and I was trying to get the Ani social fuck to open up. I invited him to our table, I talked to him in class, I let him into our friend group ND he still wouldn't talk. Then one day when I was skipping tennis to hang out with the girl who had a crush on me, he came up and he said, "I have Red Bull" I was all over him boy it and he gave it to me. I was actually able to talk to him now. We shared common interests, such as energy drinks and talking shit.