Oh my gosh I can't believe I have 2 thousand reads!!! I absolutely love all you guys that read "I Can't Live Without You" I can't thank you guys enough!!
Oh my gosh I can't believe I have 2 thousand reads!!! I absolutely love all you guys that read "I Can't Live Without You" I can't thank you guys enough!!
Sorry so much... I haven't been on in a while but, I will be uploading sometime today. I've been busy with school and other things. Sorry about making you guys wait for my fan fiction.
And also i LOVE your story!!!! I have family moving to London and have been there because my dad works on Tours with Big Machine and his artists on his lable
@angelsweeran13 thank you so much! You were the one that made me want to keep writin this story so thank you so much!! I dot know what I would do without you!