
Yea turns out when I though one of my friends was aro  was actually just projecting  lol so... glad i figured that out


          After you read this you must send this to 15 people. 
          If you get at least 3 back you're LOVED!
          Nobody knows how important something is, until they loose it. 
          Tonight right at 12:00am the person you love will realize they love you. 
          Then at 1:00 to 2:00 pm be ready for the shock of your life! 
          If you break the chain you will have bad luck.
          With love send this to 15 people, if you don't 
          You will turn ugly in one year. 
          Tomorrow two boys/girls will ask me if they can have your number. 
          Send this message to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year. 
          Spread kindness and appreciation!


I think one of my friends is aromatic and I don't know how to tell her. She's constantly talking about how she's never really likeda real life person and said she can't imagine herself ina romantic relationship. What should I do


@I_PutTheBi_InBitch Maybe you can introduce the idea of being aromantic? Just assuming she doesn’t know what that is you can explain it to her, and see if maybe she relates to it 


@I_PutTheBi_InBitch maybe build up a conversation and drop it it? If I were your friend (irl) I don't think I'd like for it to suddenly pop up but I'd like to know your opinion


My parents were surprised when I said I’m more likely to be scared of a white dude than a coloured dude (even though we’re poc’s) but I have a good reason
          A coloured guy has to be way more careful what they do. If they make a small mistake it can ruin their lives and they could get the max sentence. Whereas a white dude could get off completely just by saying he was “having a bad day” 


@I_PutTheBi_InBitch that is so true it’s upsetting, you’re absolutely right. I understand that completely 


Just watched Wonder Woman 1984 and the actress that played Diana was one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen I am very much in love. The amount of times I wanted to scream “marry me” at the screen but I couldn’t cause I was watching with my mom. 


You ever noticed how a straight couple walking around with a baby is basically telling everyone they had šêx


@I_PutTheBi_InBitch yep, or when a straight relative is talking about how their “trying hard for a baby” basically talking about their sex lives, like I don’t need to picture aunt margret and uncle john doing the nasty thank you 