
So I do exist. I just haven't had the motivation or the ideas to write. I'm trying to get something out there, I really am. I'm looking into other writing platforms as well and maybe publishing something on Amazon Kindle, but I'm no close to completing that as I am for becoming president.


If you're still taking requests, I'd love if you would check out my story The Reaper's Muse since you seem to like fanfiction from The Missing series. It's such a tiny fandom and I'm excited to find others who have also read the series!


@I_am_Pendy Oh, wow, really? That makes my day to hear that! Tbh, I always feel weird reaching out to potential readers, but it feels necessary with a fandom, so tiny, so I'm honestly so excited that someone found it on their own! Do you have a fanfiction.net account so I can follow you there?


@MusicalsOutofContext oh my god!! I've actually been reading that on fan fiction.net and I love it


So I do exist. I just haven't had the motivation or the ideas to write. I'm trying to get something out there, I really am. I'm looking into other writing platforms as well and maybe publishing something on Amazon Kindle, but I'm no close to completing that as I am for becoming president.


Dear Readers: 
          After today, updates are going to take a really long time. We're losing Internet tomorrow, so I won't have as much time to write on Wattpad. I'll get as much done as possible when I can, but that won't be often, so I'm apologizing in advance.