Surprise drop in the oneshot book :3 ‘Will Is Texan’ in which we play cause and effect but its campers and solangelo
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Surprise drop in the oneshot book :3 ‘Will Is Texan’ in which we play cause and effect but its campers and solangelo
Surprise drop in the oneshot book :3 ‘Will Is Texan’ in which we play cause and effect but its campers and solangelo
Random but has anyone else noticed a LOT OF NEW ACCOUNTS POPPING UP IN THE PAST FOUR MONTHS??? Like, sometimes i look at people’s accs when i see their replies to my comments or just comments in general and I look at their join date if I haven’t seen them/seen them just a few times. Anyway, my point is that there’s a LOT? Like, a more than average amount? Just me or am I crazy?? Plus a lot from September
@I_am_a_dude p.s. I never realized this We joined wattpad within days of each other (probably; might have been weeks)
@I_am_a_dude I have noticed that alot thought I was going crazy or new people were getting recommended the books I was reading BTW my account is almost 3 years old now
@cocopuff_of_burnout holy hell you have nearly as many followers as me lmbo(but tbf I wasn’t on the radar anywhere for like a year and a half after my acc was made). That’s insane XDD FIVE MONTHSSS??
Opinions on ‘they died doing what they loved’? Is it comforting or is it complete BS?
Unpopular opinion: “The [time of day] light filtered through the [place] curtains/windows” is overused At least spice it up like “Small dust particles swirled in the air softly as the golden light streamed in, creating a warm glow as birds outside began singing their songs to signal the morning time.” Like cmon yall. Create a SCENE. Keep me invested. Keep me hooked. Make me feel like I’m there and give me the feelings of the characters in the scene (Not actual hate to people who use this lmbo)
@The_sunniest_angels true true true and I totally agree. I definitely try to keep this in mind when writing/mapping scenes/character as well, what the character as the narrator would perceive. I just feel like I see that line written so much when there’s so much more potential to draw the reader in and really feel like they’re in the setting—but as you expanded on, it really just depends on what’s going on and the narrator’s personality/traits
I hate when a story has a good plot but the writing it only JUST good enough to keep you hooked and interested with what’s going on but still so bad that it’s like chewing cardboard and you don’t want to waste time on it, but you’re absolutely hooked by the plot…
@I_am_a_dude me with my stories. I make good plots I just can't for the life of me write anything good, I legit hate my writing style, I'm getting better but I still suck ;-;
Hehehe… remember the post I made like 8 hours ago about TSATS sequel…? Guess what other news I have >:)) https://www.instagram.com/p/DGoG85kRJpF/?igsh=MXBjemtqaDMyYTBzcQ==
@Ghostqueenitalian9 LMBO righttt?!?! I have a $25 Amazon gift card I haven’t used from Christmas so I’m gonna use that to buy either TCoTD or the trilogy Ferals which I really enjoy
@I_am_a_dude OMG OMG OMG!!! The cover art is so good!!!! I wanna preorder it but I'm broke
Amelia: *eating wood. like, literal wood from a tree. tree bark* Me: ….yeah. yeah, Amelia. I feel you. Should I preface this by saying she is also a literal goat?
@I_am_a_dude last time I visited my grandmother(and only time i can remember) she had so many chickens. So me and my siblings went around catching them for fun. I caught one and was able to relax it enough that she didn't immediately run away from me when I let go of her. Her name was Phoebe. Idk if she's still alive...
@SolangeLu-Never-Dies omggg I love goats. We always had all of our animals named lol even when we had 60+ goats and 30~ chickens. We’re at 29 hens and we can name every one and down to 5 goats(we had 10 as of last year) and they are/were all named
@I_am_a_dude Amelia is my new favorite goat. I have goats, I haven't met them yet because they're in a different country and we only got them recently, but when I do I'm naming ALL OF THEM
This was released about a week ago but incase any PJO fans haven’t heard yet.. https://www.google.com/search?q=the+sun+and+the+star+book+2+name&client=safari&sca_esv=4d0ec39f68a8c809&hl=en-us&sxsrf=AHTn8zrywvg6srvN0kdKssof5t2f0U15Tw%3A1740846070326&ei=9jPDZ_HLE4Giur8P5OH-qAI&oq=the+sun+and+the+star+book+2&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIht0aGUgc3VuIGFuZCB0aGUgc3RhciBib29rIDIqAggAMgcQIxiwAxgnMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMg0QABiABBiwAxhDGIoFMg0QLhiABBiwAxhDGIoFMg0QABiABBiwAxhDGIoFSPcHUABYAHACeAGQAQCYAQCgAQCqAQC4AQHIAQCYAgKgAgyYAwCIBgGQBgySBwEyoAcA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
@SolangeLu-Never-Dies yeah I agree about Hazel, I tried to make that point that it was Gaea and her powers and not the general danger of being a big 3 kid that killed her but idk I’m bad at wording stuff yay ;dead smile emoji; ;thumbs up emoji; ;wheelchair speeding away emoji; ♿️
@I_am_a_dude but you're right about Bianca, it wasn't her heritage that caused her death
@I_am_a_dude she died because Gaea was using her for the powers she got from being a daughter of Pluto. Because she was powerful enough to raise a giant. She would have lived a normal life if literally anyone else was her father.
My mom called me weird because I called a ‘ZOA’ energy drink ‘ZOD’ because the A at the end was just a triangle and she said ‘it obviously looks like an a’(not rude) but I said ‘well it kinda looks like a d. Also it’s the Greek delta or letter d’ (this Δ). Anyway and then I rambled about Greek stuff to her until we got to the cash register because she claimed that it was ‘weird that I knew that off the top of my head’. I said ‘no it’s not’ and proceeded to prove her point by reciting and describing, completely from memory with their correct name, 19 of the 24 Greek letters of the alphabet and multiple things that they’re used for in real life and how they’re adapted. I was just going off on a tangent about Greek suffixes and prefixes when she finally said ‘okay girl finish this in class hours’ HAHAH
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