
so you are writing a book on thoughts that keep you up at night, I didn't want to comment this there, so I thought I'd just write it here.
          The thoughts that are currently keeping me up are:
          - should I tell my parents I want to cut my hair to look more masculine? what haircut should I get> what if I regret it afterwards?
          - when will the email on the restock of the binder I need come? will it ever come?
          - if I am a demiboy, could gay boys theoretically like me? 
          - should I start secretly training my voice to make it lower?
          - what do people think about the deep scars on my thighs? do they even see them? do they judge me?
          - do you (yes u) have Instagram?
          so yep this is pretty much what's going on, sorry for waisting your time, have a nice day, night or whatever ( ꈍᴗꈍ)


@ I_am_just_JK  no problem, we all need a break sometimes 


@JoKleiss thanks! I don't write much, so this definately helps! Just not had the time or motivation