
I haven’t said anything on here for literally forever lmao so here’s a little life update: I got a girlfriend!! We’ve been together for 9 months now which is amazing I also moved across the country away from her and everything I’ve ever known so that’s not amazing but I can’t do anything abt it now lol anyway how are you guys?


I haven’t said anything on here for literally forever lmao so here’s a little life update: I got a girlfriend!! We’ve been together for 9 months now which is amazing I also moved across the country away from her and everything I’ve ever known so that’s not amazing but I can’t do anything abt it now lol anyway how are you guys?


I stubbed my toe really hard like 2 hours ago and it still hurts, and it hurts to move it, so uh what do I do abt that?


@sadietozier_ update: it still hurts but I did bang it again ages ago 