
Uhm broken up core???? (He broke up with me OVER TEXT just because my pronouns are He/they and I started going by Jackson . Like okay mister transphobe pussy.)


Pookie I will find him I swear to Christ (this is Miles btw)


Uhm broken up core???? (He broke up with me OVER TEXT just because my pronouns are He/they and I started going by Jackson . Like okay mister transphobe pussy.)


Pookie I will find him I swear to Christ (this is Miles btw)


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I was re reading my books and the cringe ;-; and I have a shit ton of finished drafts that I was like, uhm yeah I’m not gonna post them and they’re actually semi decent. So expect me to post more over the break, cause my old grandpa ass is boutta start popping out chapters like nobody’s business. Because I DONT wanna thing about college rn….. only two years until the death starts




@quirkless_failure LIFE IS SO GOOD!!! It’s been going suspiciously well like hmmmmm. But otherwise I’ve been doing good, but like finals are coming up and I’m actually gonna fail;-; I feel so old alreadyyyyy


ikrrr im good!! life's been good, wbu??


@quirkless_failure HIIIII!!! Hru bestie? I haven’t talked to you in like forever


Guys! So back at the end of September my gf broke up with me (we all chill tho we ended on le good terms) This guy just slides into my texts and hits me up, like weird bc I thought everyone knew I was gay? But then the biggest plot twist happens! He asks me out and I’m like damn wtf and I obvi say yes because I love ice skating but I tell him it’s not like that and he’s chill with it we go ice skating then TODAY IVE JUST CAUGHT MYSELF SMILING AT HIS TEXTS AND OMG FAM I THINK I LIKE HIM!!!! But fr fr wtf. He’s fine and rlly sweet and we bond over earringsssss ugh he’s just so adorable and I rlly hope he asks me out againnnnn or I will


Guys guys guys!!
          What are you being for Halloween????
          I was thinking either orange blossom( strawberry shortcake) Jason dean (heathers. My gf was gonna be Veronica) or a Fairy. What should I beeeeee?


@I_havent_slept Orange blossom and fairy! 
            (But I’m sure no matter what you pick you guys will look cute together :))


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Guys idk what this feeling is rn, I feel so freaking weak and I’m bawling my eyes out, like get a hold of yourself Kirby.
          My friend is moving to Vermont, and she’s not coming back, I’ve had plenty of friends move away. I don’t get why I’m crying, ughhhhh fuck.


GUYS HELP YESTERDAY DURING MERICA DAY I WENT TO MY FRIENDS HOUSE AND HER NEIGHBOR WAS THERE AND HER MOM FELT BAD BC WE WERE EXCLUDING HIM SO WE HUNG OUT WITH HIM AND WE WERE SHOOTING OFF ROMAN CANDLES AND I HAD ONE AND HE WAS LIKE “Can I shoot it now.” And I was like “yeah sure.” And went to hand to to him, then this man literally could’ve grabbed it anywhere else and he grabbed my hand and took it from me and I was like “EWWWWW.” And he did the same thing to one of my friends. And another one of my friends literally was like arguing with him because she likes to argue with ppl she doesn’t like and he was like play arguing back like “oh I’m gonna light you on fire.” Like in a teasing way, and it was kinda icky. Then the friend that invited us over was like “he is so gross, I feel like he was flirting with all of you.” We were all weirded out and he literally gave me the ick


@quirkless_failure FR. My friends mom also said that he was the kid at his school that nobody liked and at first I was like “wow that rude, bro gives off popular guy.” Then he was being all weird and after he left I could see why nobody likes him


Sorry bout the paragraph :)




@-LISEECHAN (I meant hi wft???) things have been going swell and life is lovely, I try to text my crush every few days and usually he doesn’t respond, it’s so preppy