
The opposite of the phrase: "I'm a villain, not a monster" is: "I'm a hero, I never said I was a good person"


this message may be offensive
Yes it fucking is :o


Kabu, the fire type gym leader from Galar and Larry, the normal type gym leader/flying Elite Four member from Paldea, are gay. Like its completely obvious and they arent even trying to hide it. 
          Pokemon Masters EX has a whole event about the two of them and its obvious there is something going on there. They are so cute together and they are now my current ship. 
          Crazy how Masters can make two Pokemon gym leaders from different sides of the world meet in one place and have a romance


One thing you dont knoa about me is that ive got a massive fear of being late. 
          Well, I woke up minutes before the thing was supposed to start but I was supposed to be in tbe building 30 minutes prior. Had to call my mom because I was panicking. Hopefully, I won't get in trouble (its a volunteer thing and I have never been late or never missed a day) but I can never be too sure. My mom suggested I just miss the day which is horrible in my opinion but she is right. Nobody had ever turned up late and I would be the only one. I wasnt able to email the coordinator earlier and I feel awful about it. I know some people havent been emailing her and have been gone multiple rehearsals so I hope maybe she will do the same? Idk, I sent an email in the end but it still is late. 
          Idk why im telling you this


@Cyansong I didn't end up going because I was really late and still had a lot to do in the morning. I sent an email and the coordinator sent an email back saying that she understood. I feel better knowing that she knows I didn't intend to miss but I still slightly feel crappy about it. 


Oh no! Being late is scary. Even if it’s a few minutes I panic, so I get your fear. I think the coordinator should understand, especially if others have missed with no message at all. Better late than never. 


There are strangers in my house that speak only spanish. My dad barely knows them and we are only letting them visit for a week. They are my aunt's friends but my family has no clue who they are. When my dad said it was a lady and her son, i was expecting a 10 year old, not a 20 something year old. Idk if i feel safe at the moment. I wish we could have our house to ourselves, all of us here, for at least one week this summer but it is looking more and more unlikely.
          I hate this so much.


The nicknames for Jimmy devolve so much that its hilarious. Here are the names that people have called Jimmy so far:
          Timmy - most common and most people call him this to the point they forget his name is Jimmy. 9/10 stars, iconic
          Tim - second most common, a little lacking though 8/10
          Jim - I believe only Joel calls him Jim. Its very wholesome and sweet 12/10 stars
          Big Man Jim - 10/10 nothing else to say about it
          James - only his mother calls him that, -3/10 stars, he doesnt like it and I refuse to believe that Jimmy is a nickname for James
          Toy boy - idk what to think, its funny sometimes but then not other times. 11/10 some days, 7/10 others
          Jiggles - Skizz... what in the ever loving heck made him consider that a name? -10,000/10 its too cursed 


Someone yesterday actually looked at me and asked me "are you a boy or girl?" deada*s like Professor Oak or something. I've had 5 year olds ask me in nicer/more intelligent ways. I didn't know it was actually possible. I stood there in shock for a few minutes and looked to another person standing there. I finally answer and this dude goes "but <my name> is not a <dead gender?> name"
          WHAT YEAR ARE WE IN?
          Anyways, I answered and went "it can be a <dead gen> name, it doesn't matter" and he went all prickly like "okay, I was just asking" 
          NO YOU WERE NOT. 
          Then he went and asked the other person standing there because he does theater and has a higher pitched voice. I have never met someone who had made such a negative impression on me within the first few minutes of talking. He sounded like an actual child in that moment like come on dude, you are a junior in high school, you have to know about pronouns and crap. 
          Anyways I will not be hanging around him and I guess this is my formal announcement to say that I go by they/them, thanks yall