
Pretty little dandelion 
          	Sitting all alone
          	She has no money
          	She has no phone
          	Pretty little dandelion
          	Your a weed
          	No one will help you
          	Not one good deed
          	Pretty little dandelion
          	Has no friends
          	Pretty little dandelion 
          	Love her to the end


Her pretty face
          Hides her cries
          But inside 
          She just dies
          No one can help her
          You're too late. 
          It is now only her
          Who decides her fate
          We all know you tried
          But you can't save her 
          It is suicide
          It's not murder
          Secretly she doesn't know
          What to do
          She wants to die
          But she wants to live, too
          She knows that suicide
           is a big word
          But it's what
          She thinks she deserved
          Not yet 
          She mumbled
          Not yet
          Then she tumbled 
          She fell and fell
          Down the cliff 
          Her thoughts and her actions
          You know the diff
          We all know you tried
          To do this to her
          It isn't suicide
          It is murder


          I am slowly 
          fading away
          Each and every day
          No one will notice
          It's so slow
          But I can be dust
          With just one blow
          There are some
          Who will miss me
          This is just how 
          It has to be
          But none 
          Of that matters
          I will fall
          Off the ladder
          What ladder
          The ladder of existence
           I cant run from it
          Especially long distance
          It will catch me
          Maybe soon
          And maybe my parents
          Will stare at the moon
          They will stare
          And they will see me
          I will be alone
          That's where I want to be
          Alone and free
          Free and alone
          Ill dance to songs
          And eat ice cream cones
          It'll be awesome
          It'll be fun
          And finally
          I will be one
          Now I am broken
          Into pieces  
          One piece for each of my parents nephews and nieces 
          No one can fix me
          I was made this way
          And maybe 
          I was meant to stay