Just a weird bored girl.

Oof is my life motto

I'm married to my cat shush

Music is life.

Favorite Groups:
Led Zeppelin

I play the guitar, the ukulele and (kinda) sing

Books are life too.

A lil Otaku

A fan of just too much stuff, cuz I'm not like OtHer GirLS

English and Italian speaku. I'm studying German but I suck :"

Touch @justarandombtslover and you'll die :)))

Hope you'll like my stories ( if I decide to publish them) bye

  • InscritJune 25, 2018

Dernier message
I_m_Sherlocked I_m_Sherlocked Oct 25, 2019 08:09PM
perché ho più followers quando non faccio niente che quando sono presente, scrivo, leggo? 
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Histoire par I_m_Sherlocked
I was born because of boredom, don't read me par I_m_Sherlocked
I was born because of boredom, don...
Mi annoio
ranking #13 dans la catégorie bored Voir tous les classements