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I'll keep this short because I just feel done.
          	After all the drama that happened in the past few months I just feel like I've lost too many friends. Not even because of me. Because of third parties.
          	It's taken a toll on my mental health. My anxiety has been the worst it's ever been. I've been depressed. But I'll stop talking about this or I'll be called an attention seeker.
          	I've decided to stop this account. I'll still be using it to read stories, but nothing else. 
          	anyways I'll do what I came here for.
          	@imphantrash101  literally fuck you. thanks for choosing o0ther people over me for no reason.
          	@necrophilia69 and @durpypotato have a nice life.
          	There are a lot more things I can expose about those three people. but i'm not a fucking child so i won't. 
          	This is the end of my account. Follow my Instagram if you actually still give a shit about me: jmarie4147


это сообщение может быть оскорбительным
I'll keep this short because I just feel done.
          After all the drama that happened in the past few months I just feel like I've lost too many friends. Not even because of me. Because of third parties.
          It's taken a toll on my mental health. My anxiety has been the worst it's ever been. I've been depressed. But I'll stop talking about this or I'll be called an attention seeker.
          I've decided to stop this account. I'll still be using it to read stories, but nothing else. 
          anyways I'll do what I came here for.
          @imphantrash101  literally fuck you. thanks for choosing o0ther people over me for no reason.
          @necrophilia69 and @durpypotato have a nice life.
          There are a lot more things I can expose about those three people. but i'm not a fucking child so i won't. 
          This is the end of my account. Follow my Instagram if you actually still give a shit about me: jmarie4147


wait did my story actually make you cry