
Hi alllll, 
          	You all might be waiting for the next update and trust me I am working on it but recently I have had quite a few things going on (I know I always say this) and I wasn't able to work on the chapter buut I have gotten back to writing and hopefully you guys will receive the next chapter soon. Thank you and go follow my insta account @iamivy2313 . Byeeee


Hi, author. How are you? I hope you're doing well. I'm not asking for an update, but it would be great if you could let us know that you're okay. Take all the time you need for the story, but please let us know you're alright.


Hi alllll, 
          You all might be waiting for the next update and trust me I am working on it but recently I have had quite a few things going on (I know I always say this) and I wasn't able to work on the chapter buut I have gotten back to writing and hopefully you guys will receive the next chapter soon. Thank you and go follow my insta account @iamivy2313 . Byeeee


Do you all think I should start doing alternative chapters for the languages. Like 1 chapter will have 2 parts one with hindi dialouge and no translation so you can read with the flow and one with no hindi dialouges and only english which with once again you can read the flow and understand the story better. 
          I'm really contemplating this.. Let Me Knoww!


Awwww that was so sweet.
            So it’s fixed from chapter 7 each chapter will have two parts, Thank you so much ❤️ 


@IamIvy2313 you can do whatever you want, we will love it either way


Heyy can you pls update 


Hii, I'm genuinely so sorry but i'm just really caught up with everything and till now Chapter 6 only has tons of Yuhaan and Kritika and a little bit of Shikhar and Dhwani... But tell me if you want it as it is or if you want another couple as well. 
            Also I got 7 notifs by you Thank you sooo much ❤️