ALRIGHT ALRIGHT IM ALIVE. YES. HELLO So I dropped off the face of the Earth, yes, my bad. I lost motivation, left the fandom space, and kinda forgot about this place. I appreciate all the support and comments asking if I am ok, and all the love for the book. So, depending on your opinion, I either have good news or bad news. I AM NOT CONTINUING "The Nameless Avenger", instead I am rewriting the entire story from the ground up. I wrote that book in middle school, and to be honest I hate the writing in it. I am currently backlogging a few chapters for the new book, which I hope to publish the first part of within the next few weeks. Rosette Coleman will not be returning, but I hope I make up for that with an objectively better story. To be honest, seeing that "The Namless Avenger" is at 800k views is absurd, especially since I have not checked on it in a while. Thank you all so much, I really do mean it. I hope I can actually complete a book this time lol -Iamjusthere2vibe :) P.S: If you have any questions about "The Nameless Avenger" ask them here. I will happily answer them since I know there were a lot of questions left unanswered.

Hello Do you think that there is a possibility that I can take control of The Nameless Avenger and create new chapters to it. I will give you credit for the work but I just really want to finish the book because it’s so interesting