Check out my new book. Just spare 2 minutes to read it and let me know how did you find it. Thankyou. Much love. Stay safe. <3
Check out my new book. Just spare 2 minutes to read it and let me know how did you find it. Thankyou. Much love. Stay safe. <3
Hey... I just completed reading ur book name we are just friends amazing amazing book I ever read seriously...but I would love to if u continue this book from point where shivika confessed there luv ...can u plz write another book containing there dating phase .. during rest of college time ..plzzz plzz plzzz ...
@SakshiSule Thankyou so much sakshi for loving VRJF and appreciating it. Honestly that's a baby for me, My 1st ever book. So if ever a sequel comes, would require proper planning for which i am too busy to even think of a story and write because of hectic college. But if ever it comes will tell yaa. Lots of love. ❤
@sri210 hii sri♥ i am fine. Hope you are too. But umm i guess you are a little mistaken. I never wrote a book named cradle of dreams. Might be some other writer. Sorry. xD