How are you, hopefully you’re doing alright. Are u still working on Craving Blood and Dangerous Women a while back I went to re read and like all the chapters were gone
@ Licorne15k I'm planning on it. I'm half way through the next chapter but since it's a hard chapter to write and other things happening I don't when I'll finish it. Hopefully soon.
Hey, what happened to “Dangerous Woman” book? I was about to give the last 2 chapters a re-read when I realized that I can’t open the book. Did you deleted it?
I am alive, for those who are wondering, AND still writing. Life isn't being very generous right now so I barely have time for anything, including updating. Thank you, if you're one of the patient people who kept my books on their library.
Also, who is watching the queen's comeback tonight??
Do you know what's even more frustrating than writer's block?? HaVinG a HuNdrED dRaftS oF FanFIcS tHAt wiLL nEveR seE tHe suNliGhT anD sTilL noT hAviNg tHe iNSpiRatioN tO fIniSH the bOokS thAt aRe aLREady PubLisHed