


Ok soooooo
          I really need to vent right now and it’s something I should of told other people or even my friends
          I am so sick and tired of being the therapist friend now I’m not saying I don’t care about my friends problems, I do it’s just that…..I’m here to be a friend not a savior 
          One of my friend’s are like this and almost every time we met she unloads her problems on me or even her depressing past I think she thinks I’m supposed to fix her or at least nub the pain and deal with her baggage and I mean that’s fine but she’s really dependent on me and it’s kinda draining. 
          If I focus on her who’s gonna focus on me, you know? A few weeks back I confronted her about this and let’s just say it didn’t end well (like always) I’m trying my best at being her friend but I’m always failing at it. 
          She’s pretty unstable and I never know what to say around her because she’ll take it the wrong way (If all of this is sounding familiar it’s because I wrote a song about it) I’m not responsible for her happiness or anything else for that matter and that’s all I want to say right now 
          I’ve always thought she was a good friend but lately I’ve been seeing red flags such as playing the victim sometimes, not respecting boundaries, or not being there for other people 
          Like dude, wtf? Don’t you even want to know about my problems? Do even care about me as a person? Or am I just here so I can save you when I can’t even save myself? 
          (Plus she kinda just throws in her problems like it’s a conversation starter and I really think you shouldn’t do that) 
          I am so hurt and confused I don’t want to think of friend in a bad way I’m just human too, we all are and right now this human is pretty confused right now 
          I’d you have any advise please tell me
          How do I deal with this????


@satig-shades this did! thank you so much <3