
The redone Chapter 2 Is now out as well!


Hello, everyone! As I'm sure many have noticed, I have not updated my stories in forever, and I would like to announce to everyone, that due to me noticing the lackfullness of my first story An Unordinary Adventure, I will be redoing it, removing all the current chapters and reworking them, while changing the plot and other minor points, and hopefully finishing the story. And to mark this new change, I've currently just released the brand new rewritten version of the first chapter of The Unordinary Adventure, and I will be releasing a Author's Edition eventually, where I explain all the details behind each chapter, if you'd like. Enjoy!


Merry Christmas, everyone! Enjoy your Christmas holiday, and New Years! I won't be posting on An Unordinary Adventure for a while, but I have a new book where the first chapter is almost ready to go, at around 4000 words. I hope you're excited!