
considering deleting this acc omg.... lit aral vomit


anyways stan got7


To everyone saying how little Ian and Anthony are in their videos, or how one of them (maybe both) will eventually leave Smosh to the crew:
          As the weeks progress, we see the new crew more often, and less of Ian and Anthony ON THE SCREEN. They still write many of their videos and manage many accounts (like previously stated) and it would be thoroughly IMPOSSIBLE to be in every single video. Although I try to keep this mindset ^ it's hard not to notice how little they are in any of their videos. They have personal lives, not to mention GIRLFRIENDS, and we see less and less of them together. No lunchtime w/ Smosh, no Smosh is bored, or exciting mailtimes. Food battle has ended... no one (except for maybe Smosh) knows what going to end next. They're getting older and one of them, if not both, are going to get married and have children, allowing them to have an excuse to leave Smosh.
          We're getting older. They're getting older.
          Nothing ever stays the same.
          Things will change.
          Change /is/ inevitable.
          As they grow older they shift apart from each other and from Smosh, and as we grow older our sense of humour and what we think is funny IS going to change.
          Smosh isn't going to go on forever. At least not forever with Ian and Anthony.
          As hard as it is going to be, we need to know that someday, sometime, we are going to have to say good-bye to Ian and Anthony.




Yet another update:
            I do not watch Smosh anymore.
            Ian was always my favorite and the new crew is amazing as well, but its not the same. The videos are different and it doesn't quite feel like Smosh anymore. 
            Their videos are great and they should continue making them but I am not going to watch it. 
            Anthonys videos are hilarious! I love his channel but I don't watch it as religiously as I did Smosh. 
            So I guess this will probably be the last update (of course, because ill have nothing to talk about). I loved Smosh, and still do, but after all I'm one fan out of twenty two million, so...


Update: So it's been a little bit since Anthony left Smosh, so I am going to address this. Ian has stated that he is not leaving Smosh anytime soon but that doesn't mean that he'll be there forever. Smosh itself doesn't seem like it's going anywhere-- especially after all this change for the better that is happening. And Anthony is gone but that's okay, because he has his own channel with his still hilarious content and amazing sense of humour. He is more comfortable on his own and feels like this was the better option for him (of which, of course, I agree). 
            I am being very negative with these statements and I am wildly aware of it, but really I'm trying to be realistic. Although it may not seem like it, they have lives too and it's important that we don't think to much into it.
            Enjoy Smosh! Enjoy their content while it's still here! 
            I'm ecstatic for Anthony, enjoying Smosh's videos, and thanking the lord that at least they're still friends.


Lol I'm going to make a little mini back story for the Smosh video: "The Truth Behind My Playgirl Shoot"
          I kinda also want to make an Ianthony fan-fic but I don't like to write smut so the fan-fiction would be boring :/
          Anyway, Im super bored so im going to do it :))))))

