Hola qué tal, oye gracias por seguir mis historias, lamento no poder seguirte pero Wattpad ya no me deja seguir a nadie, espero que las disfrutes mucho.
@ MaFerSFernndezVirrey No pasa nada, es más me gustan mucho tus historias, yo no puedo continuar con la historia porque no tengo la motivación para seguirla, tus historias van de notable a sobresaliente
can you add more photos from the pair her best friend his best friend her ex his ex her enemy his enemy she has a story with his enemy he has a story with her enemy she has a story put together he saves her from his enemy she saves him In front of her enemy he confides her to her match she lays him to his match he carries her clothes she carries his clothes they stand with whom they are together during the trenug they come together together wedding series pregnancy series family series