
There was issue on tag fixed it now hopefully it is not going to annoy us further and there is no need to re publish anything. That's all for now uuuf uwu tuff


I cried at The Final Fight so emotional sad horrible and beautiful. Thank you for making that guys or anyone who made it thank you.


@CloudStrife34 I loved every single one though oh god..


It was so realistic too absolutely perfect. ♡


Oh my god that End of The Light chapter is insane! Who made it? Is it the official made story line? Yes! It is right! Holy god it's perfect i want to see more and it all this will get shared everywhere later thank you guys! Much love ♡ amazing truly surreal and unreal


The Final Fight story line was insane! I just cried so hard i teared up and then i stopped and then i cried amazing and so beautiful! Just like i knew it was always meant to be who ever did that is a masterpiece! Thank you so much and i love Deidara too i'm speechles and in tears i love him Feral and others and Ken thank you so much guys for doing these thank you! ♡ uuuf yes


Also neither Kiyoko while mentioned they are them but not there truly but yes that's all for now thank you uuuf uwu tuff ♡ Xd ;3 bye bye now we send rest soon but for now here we are done for now uuuuf uwu tuff thank you. We love him and them so much. Forever and always. Lol


We decided to change tags bc it isn't actually Nio or Nen bc partially they can't co exist not even in time expect if they are there themselves and now we can have all in we want so we involve everyone in there truly thanks that's it we had to re publish 3 times and 2 hours delay. That's all for now thank you uuuf uwu tuff we love him and them so much. Forever and always. Lol ♡ Xd uuuf uwu tuff yes. Always. For him and them uuuuf uwu tuff bye now lol and thank you uuuf uwu tuff