
Today is my account's birthday. 
          	He turned 4 years old!


Putin “won” the elections. And I even find it funny. 87 percent. Ugh, this is so pathetic it's even funny. Putin made it clear to every person in Russia and beyond that no one supports him. I hope, like other dictators who scored almost 90 percent, Putin’s dictator will fall. And with his elections, with his “victory” of 87 percent, Putin will only accelerate his fall.


@Ibrmag Navalni was supposed to be a better option?


2 years of horror and pain. I wish victory for Ukraine and defeat for Putin. The evil that Putin personifies cannot win. It is obvious. But unfortunately, evil is strong. Because of this, it takes time to win. But each of us can reduce this time. I personally will try to reduce the time. I agreed with my mother to vote for any candidate except Putin. I don't dream that there will be private elections. But this is a legal way to show the authorities that we are against Putin and his criminal war.


@Ibrmag It is a good form of protest, as for the first thing, be realistic, Ukraine is doomed


Thank you for speaking out against the war in Ukraine and Russia's treatment of LGBT people. But please, consider your own safety. The internet is not entirely anonymous, especially in a country like Russia. Someday things will get better.