hi guys

@Icantdoshitright hey! yeah thank you so much. writing is still something i would like to begin pursuing again im not sure if ill finish against all odds simply because it's really tough to write something you're not motivated to write, and i know i should have said something but my life became so much more eventful and i met someone and suddenly it wasn't all about me and my own hobbies. im think of creating other stories, but thank you for being one of my supporters in the time being. i always thought about you a lot wondering if you were alright and just wanted to say thanks even though we never knew each other

@Icantdoshitright Hey, I know you probably won't ever write again, so the readers won't get to see the ending to Against All Odds, our great story (hell I don't even fully remember what happens in the rest of it lol), but that's all ok. I hope you're doing well, and wish you the best with whatever you may be pursuing or dealing with now! (would've said all this in private but wattpad is stupid :d)