
this message may be offensive
Hey everyone its been a hot second. Ive been super inactive because some shit been happenin but yall can add me on discord @dukejones#8460


hey guys! its me again. sorry about the inactivity, I am using only 50% of time because of my custody. I have gotten over my longtime boyfriend-now ex-and have fallen in love again-cept this one treats me pretty stinkin well. Lot's of love!


@IcarusAscending yessssss!!! Wishing the best for you two! (≧▽≦)❤️❤️❤️❤️


so now i can't text until 3 :(


but it was fixed!


@-_-detroitsmash-_- I'm here. No matter what. I'm sorry today wasn't good, but tomorrow will be better. Okay? Be strong, curly fry.


@-_-detroitsmash-_- that's what I want. I love you, ok? Let's talk tomorrow.


@IcarusAscending i had 2 slices of seattle pizza and bawled my eyes out for 5 minutes, i'm feeling a little better.


My best friend has been going through a really hard time lately. He doesn't think he's worth anything or that he has any value and then if he died no one would miss him. This isn't even remotely true. I would miss him every moment I was awake, I would miss him every time I took a breath, I would miss him every time I heard a joke, I miss them every time I had some curly fries. He means the universe to me and I don't just tolerate him I enjoy being in his presence. Please max if you're reading this I care so much about you and I don't want you to go and I'm so sorry you're not feeling good. I probably had something to do with this. I'm sorry if I did, because I want you to be happy more than anything in the world. Be able to talk more on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday. Please stay strong I love you, no hetero.