Hello there, I have no idea how you stumbled upon my page but here you are, stay a while I have tea and cookies. Im Icarus a german weeb with an unnatural obsession over Boy Bands, Anime, Books and Romance novels. Im a self taught Artist and I write books for fun, be prepared to possibly see some weird shit and Oneshot books once I actually decide to post any I have written. 

Have fun on my page, and maybe give me some tips to write better books
  • Germany
  • JoinedOctober 17, 2016

Stories by Emery
Character oneshot Book by Icarusthefoolish
Character oneshot Book
The title says it all, this is a oneshot book of all your favorite character's not just one specific series b...
Ein Rennen gegen die Zeit (Bis Auf Weiteres Gestoppt) by Icarusthefoolish
Ein Rennen gegen die Zeit (Bis Auf...
Anna-Maria verliert nach einem Autounfall, welcher sie fast ihr Leben gekostet hätte, ihre Erinnerungen. Sie...
8 Reading Lists