Heyo guys I know I have't been as active on here as I would have liked (damn exams to the fiery pits of the fieriest hell) but I hope to be quite soon.
Anyways, my friend @tamlaura1 (check her out if you haven't already, her books are AWESOME) brought to my attention the unfair rules on this site. Apparently stories with barely any sexual content are flagged as mature and are unable to be put on the lists.
Now, I'm not saying hardcore porn should be allowed on lists with fluffy gooey romance stories where all the characters do is hold hands, but what I do think should happen is that wattpad needs to create another list for more mature stories.
Lets be real here people, this site is meant for people over the age of 13 I believe (of course some people may fabricate their age a little ) but majority are 13 and over. Based on how many crazy stories I've read by the younger generation that have high sexual content in them, I don't think flagging stories with the mere hint of sex is okay.
If you agree, please help by contacting the creators of wattpad to try and get them to listen to us. I don't know exactly how that is done but feel free to ask @tamlaura1 as I'm sure she'd be happy to explain it to you.
Tenks ❤️ I love all you guys so much. Cheers for following me and sticking with me even though I'm an invisible potato on this site xx