If you haven't already check out my first chapter of my new story Hunt. I'll try and get chapter twenty-three up soon so vote up on my stuff if you want more.
I can never really hold a certain amount of votes for a chapter because no one really votes for my stories anymore since I started updating really slow and I'm still gonna update slowly because I have school now and it's kind of hard for me to come up with stuff lately. Like when I begin a story it's really easy but now that I'm gettin' to the twenties in "Ice Cold Skin" It's really hard for some reason.
I know what I want to write and I know how I want it to end but I just can't write it. So I apologize that it's taking me a while and to just bear with me.
Just vote up with what you want to read and I will upload the quicker when I have more votes because that gives me some motivation.