
News update! I'm in college now and while updates are still going to be slow, they're also going to be a little quicker than they were. I bounce around to different projects but I assure you things are being worked on.


In your story the stark Cypher is izuku a boy or a girl?


@darrengarret ok thank you for answering my question h2shun2018 and IcequeenXXI


@darrengarret h2shun2018 is right


Hello! Another note!  Izuku: Principle’s kid  will be next on the update list!   I just hate writing the sports festival episodes.  But screw it, it needs to get done so it’s on the top of my priority list for the next couple days. 


  For those who are into my Doctor Who fic, a new chapter just went up!  I know the first few chapters kinda suck and I need to go back through and fix it.  But it does get better as it goes! I’m rather proud about this newest chapter actually! 


I'm halfway done with the chapter on the USJ episode!  I haven't really touched Nomu Deku sense I put it on pause. I'm working on the other projects surely but surly. And the USJ episode for Principals Kid should be done in a few days if I continue on the same path I have for the past few days. 
            I also have a new job that has me working eight hours a day and only two days off. So, it's just a whole bunch of fun...    Thank you for reading this announcment!


Alrighty! So I am working on part two for the sports festival of Nomu Deku. I’m just distracted. Another project has enraptured my attention. An surprisingly it’s not even My Hero Academia related! Well it could be considered related, but I aware it’s not!   It’s a Doctor Who fanfic!! And I am very proud of what I currently have!!  But I am working on my other projects as well. Just slow going.  
            Anyway, thanks for reading this little update! <3


CHAPTER FOR PRINCIPAL"S KID IS FINALLY DOOOONNNEEE!!!  Whoo! I really got stuck in a rut ther for that chapter for a while. I'm in a rut for my other stories But I'm slowly working on them! In the newest chapter I also anounched that I have adopted two other stories that I will slowly be working on!  One where Izuku becomes Blue Beetle. The other is called Given By God. Where Izuku is sent to a pergatory and can go back with powers which they do choose that.  The powers are they can use any powers from any anime/show they've watched.       I am giving six slots. The only one I am choosing is called Wise Man's Grandson. Which is full of awesome magic.       
          Viewers will choose the other five by most popular demand.  Note: Any powers from an anime I haven't watched I will have to study or watch the show. Otherwise I have knowledge on quite a few different anime's :D    RPG/Gatcha Systems are open too! :D