
I know it's been a while, but I am no longer posting to WattPad. I have gone strictly to Ao3 since this site wants to alienate the most common genre here. I will keep the stories I have up as an archive for future readers to enjoy, but there will be nothing new going forward.
          	Thank you everyone for your support over the years and the friends I've made
          	Ice Queen


I know it's been a while, but I am no longer posting to WattPad. I have gone strictly to Ao3 since this site wants to alienate the most common genre here. I will keep the stories I have up as an archive for future readers to enjoy, but there will be nothing new going forward.
          Thank you everyone for your support over the years and the friends I've made
          Ice Queen


This has been a bad year for me, so unfortunately I don't have anything currently ready to give to you next month. Writing took a back burner this year and I was so excited to bring you the next book in Juray’s story, but irl stresses forced me to take an extended break. I'm hoping to give you something in the next couple of months.
          Love, Queen