So past me, “Magic Can be Good” now has 27K views, we’re still friends with tadepole, we’re in college and in highschool. We didn’t think we’d make it this far, did we? I’m proud of us. People still read that book you took some much pride in. And I’m still a writer because you took a chance and posted that book. And thanks to that, I have another best friend who I care deeply about. Oh and we made some OCs that you love along the way. We don’t write as much anymore which makes me sad, but we’ll get into the groove of it again. I’m sure of it. All this because of some stupid fanfiction book? Because you decided to post some crappy chapters that you didn’t expect people to actually read? Thank you. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

@Not_IceVentom_295 I love you man, you're the nicest person I know, and I'm proud to have been your friend for 6 years and still going. You've grown so much and you still have more potential to keep growing. Your writing skills have flourished like fine wine, and your heart only grows stronger. I'm so grateful that past you posted that book because it let me meet my best friend. This isn't just because of a stupid fanfiction book it's because you shared to the world your passion, and readers connected to your characters and loved the way you portrayed people's lives. You are a hard time torn poet, I can't wait for us to meet this summer. I love you, man, my best friend.