➷ hello chat, im here to question WHY FEBRUARY IS SUCH A STRESSFUL MONTH FOR ME. it doesnt help im getting into multiple fixations, and theres so much for me that i want to do. It really does not help my case.. Not to mention so many things are updating/releasing, gah... Too much i want to do and so little time. If i didn't have to sleep the amount of time id have to actually do stuff would be so much bigger. im still working on/trying to respond to roleplays, its just sort of on the down low when video games are my main source of joy. ➷ so sorry, and will forever be sorry for delays and how long it takes for me to respond to them.

@Ice_Cream_55 hey mate it's alright take your time I understand and hey I don't want you to feel forced to reply to roleplays. I get it your stressed and I'm sorry to hear that so hey I understand take your time, recover, play them video games. Ok? No pressure and no rush.