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I hate that we can't use Private Messaging anymore... another Courage post. So anyway, someone asked me if I feared Katz more than Freaky Fred, and I'm here to share my answer. Yes and no. Yes, because people like Katz exist, just like how people like Freaky Fred exist. And Katz is genuinely dangerous. And remember, I've watched "A Night at the Katz Motel", and if spiders didn't freak me out before, they do now. But hey, the plot basically being Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" with spiders has inspired me to write something similar. But also no, because honestly, the spiders were scarier than Katz himself. Regardless, that laugh as he had Courage pinned did NOT sit right with me. But the main thing is that Katz didn't traumatize me SIX YEARS AFTER WATCHING IT. I still think of Fred's slasher smile at three in the morning and freak myself out. I've never had an actual nightmare about him yet, thank God, but Christ. That show was made for CHILDREN. It seemed like John R. Dilworth was actively trying to traumatize kids. But this show scared the piss out of adults, too! "A Night at the Katz Motel" is STILL scary as shit! The only thing that traumatized me more than Freaky Fred was the Stretch Films logo that appeared after the credits. When I was six, I was scared of the dark, and it showed up on the TV in front of me, while it was off, in the middle of the night. I swear to God I'm not making this up. Let's just say I got zero sleep that night. A LOGO scared me before Fred did. And I somehow braved through BOTH of the Smile movies.