
this message may be offensive
I hate that we can't use Private Messaging anymore... another Courage post.
          	So anyway, someone asked me if I feared Katz more than Freaky Fred, and I'm here to share my answer. 
          	Yes and no.
          	Yes, because people like Katz exist, just like how people like Freaky Fred exist. And Katz is genuinely dangerous. And remember, I've watched "A Night at the Katz Motel", and if spiders didn't freak me out before, they do now. But hey, the plot basically being Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" with spiders has inspired me to write something similar.
          	But also no, because honestly, the spiders were scarier than Katz himself. Regardless, that laugh as he had Courage pinned did NOT sit right with me.
          	But the main thing is that Katz didn't traumatize me SIX YEARS AFTER WATCHING IT. I still think of Fred's slasher smile at three in the morning and freak myself out. I've never had an actual nightmare about him yet, thank God, but Christ. 
          	That show was made for CHILDREN. It seemed like John R. Dilworth was actively trying to traumatize kids. But this show scared the piss out of adults, too! "A Night at the Katz Motel" is STILL scary as shit! 
          	The only thing that traumatized me more than Freaky Fred was the Stretch Films logo that appeared after the credits. When I was six, I was scared of the dark, and it showed up on the TV in front of me, while it was off, in the middle of the night. I swear to God I'm not making this up. Let's just say I got zero sleep that night. 
          	A LOGO scared me before Fred did. 
          	And I somehow braved through BOTH of the Smile movies.


@Icemoor47 Some things scare me and some things don't, it's weird-


this message may be offensive
I hate that we can't use Private Messaging anymore... another Courage post.
          So anyway, someone asked me if I feared Katz more than Freaky Fred, and I'm here to share my answer. 
          Yes and no.
          Yes, because people like Katz exist, just like how people like Freaky Fred exist. And Katz is genuinely dangerous. And remember, I've watched "A Night at the Katz Motel", and if spiders didn't freak me out before, they do now. But hey, the plot basically being Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" with spiders has inspired me to write something similar.
          But also no, because honestly, the spiders were scarier than Katz himself. Regardless, that laugh as he had Courage pinned did NOT sit right with me.
          But the main thing is that Katz didn't traumatize me SIX YEARS AFTER WATCHING IT. I still think of Fred's slasher smile at three in the morning and freak myself out. I've never had an actual nightmare about him yet, thank God, but Christ. 
          That show was made for CHILDREN. It seemed like John R. Dilworth was actively trying to traumatize kids. But this show scared the piss out of adults, too! "A Night at the Katz Motel" is STILL scary as shit! 
          The only thing that traumatized me more than Freaky Fred was the Stretch Films logo that appeared after the credits. When I was six, I was scared of the dark, and it showed up on the TV in front of me, while it was off, in the middle of the night. I swear to God I'm not making this up. Let's just say I got zero sleep that night. 
          A LOGO scared me before Fred did. 
          And I somehow braved through BOTH of the Smile movies.


@Icemoor47 Some things scare me and some things don't, it's weird-


Alright, I'm tagging @Kittymasterofall14 , @mandylaren23 , @Normaniforever4 , and @IsabellaShelley , because the Wattpad edition of my most popular fanfic, which is, by the way, a LOUD HOUSE fanfic, will be published tomorrow morning!


@mandylaren23 I'm glad, because it's out now!


@Normaniforever4 You know what? That's okay. 
            Because if getting bored while watching "Secrets of Dumbledore" taught me anything, it's that regardless if a person is new to a medium, the content should still be engaging.  So I'm not mad that you've never watched Loud House.  Far from it. 


Okay, guys, hear me out... ESPECIALLY if you love wolves.
          Remember when I posted the link to what is currently my most popular fanfic? 
          This one:
          Well, what if I told you that I've been thinking about posting it here? 
          That's right. After several months of inactivity, I've thought long and hard, and I can't stay away from this site, even if I wanted to. This was my introduction to the fanfiction world.
          And this time, when I say that this fanfic is good, I mean it. I've grown since writing those STRANGE stories like "Inseparable" (1 and 2. Bloodlines is the only one that I still like) and Shrieker Island (Why I thought it was Watty Award material is beyond me).
          And I'm gonna say it right now: I'm debunking these wolf myths once and for all! Those wolf stories on Wattpad lied to y'all, and I'm gonna tell you how!
          Stay tuned!
           I'm tagging @Kittymasterofall14 , @mandylaren23 , @Normaniforever4 , and @IsabellaShelley . I know I haven't said this enough, but I feel comfortable with you four, who have read my content and said nothing but nice things regardless if said content was actually any good. And you have no idea how much that means to me.


Aww, np✨♥️


@Icemoor47 Aw, it's no problem and I look forward to reading it!


Followers, friends, lend me your ears! For I have a fanfic on my A03 that I must share with you! 

          And yes, I'm writing for a different media now, but I can safely say that my writing skills have improved significantly in the past year!


@Icemoor47 I'll have to check it out soon as I bookmarked it!


This is your thrice-a-month reminder that I am still alive. 
          Reply with anything you desire. 
          What cartoon am I currently writing for? How's life in general? Why am I sad that I no longer have school?
          You may ask me anything. 


@Kittymasterofall14 Glad to hear it!
            I don't have many social medias, but I have a Tumblr, a, and an A03 if you also have one of those.


@Kittymasterofall14 Kitty, my old friend! How've you been?


this message may be offensive
Wow, it's been a long time since I've vented. And boy, do I have a woozy for y'all tonight. I apologize in advance for cursing.
          I think I can safely say that I have had the worst Halloween of my life. 
          For the past three and a half days since we all came down with COVID, BOTH of my grandparents have done nothing but argue about stupid shit. I'm dead serious, they couldn't even stop while I was in "school", which was a major distraction.
          And, and usual, my grandpa being a petty, manipulative, insufferable, unsympathetic scumbag towards his wife, and his wife not knowing when to shut up, as far as complaining goes. But I don't expect too much when I live with two old(er) people. If there's the tiniest inconvenience, they'll find a reason to beef with each other.
          I got yelled at about an hour ago when I raised my voice at my cat (nicely), thinking I was talking to them (everything I say is a comment to him, that's all I need to say). And they continues to argue in front of me, to the point where I grabbed a stuffed animal, held it like I was about to throw it, and broke down. My grandma asked me what was wrong, of course, but it couldn't have sounded more unsympathetic (my grandpa wasn't in the room at the time). 
          The fact that I didn't get any candy is the least of my problems. They left about an hour ago to do the laundry, THANK GOD, saving me alone with the cats for a couple hours. Meaning I have a chance to actually calm down. 
          I literally CAN'T WAIT to go back to school Thursday.


I’m sorry  :( l hope you’re okay now☺️


            I'm so sorry that you have to deal with that..are you okay? *hugs* 


I return with the worst news imaginable. 
          After three full years of not contracting a worldwide pandemic, TODAY is the day that I caught COVID. It was right after the morning announcements that I was called down to the nurse, and God, was I pissed.
          In case anyone's wondering, I feel totally fine (physically, anyway), but I can't go back to school until November 2nd. 
          So... Way to kick off a Friday morning, AND November, right?


To all of my friends born in the late 90s or early 2000s (such as myself), I would like to ask you all the question that I probably should've saved for October:
          In your opinion, what is the scariest episode of "Courage the Cowardly Dog"?
          I'll go first. 
          Without much exaggeration,  I think that my first (and thankfully only) viewing of "Freaky Fred" was the most frightening viewing experience I have EVER had. And this is coming from someone who watched the first half of "Nightmare on Elm Street".
          Allow me to tell you about it. 
          So this was back in 2016, I think, while my immediate younger sister was still living in Hudson, and when my paternal grandmother was still alive. 
          I lost a vote 2:1 on watching said show. I already knew about the show's reputation. I braved through everything from "A Night at the Katz Motel" to "Demon in the Matress". Real surprising, I know.
          I was still somewhat reeling after Demon in the Matress. But then, its sister episode came on...
          When I saw the title card, I was interested, but unsettled. IT ONLY GOT WORSE FROM THERE. 
          Fred is Muriel's nephew, and he visits her and Eustace in the episode. Problem was, Fred's messed up teeth creeped me out very quickly, to the point where I was almost frozen in fear. 
          The scene where Fred started shaving Courage in the bathroom was the final straw. Unnecessary close-ups of his grin, Courage's fear matching mine, and the most terrifying musical score I've ever heard in any piece of media is what did it for me. How my sister and cousin wasn't terrified by this is beyond me. 
          I had to walk out during the last 45 seconds. On that note, I got very little sleep that night, dreading nightmares. I haven't watched the show since. 
          The episode is good, obviously,  but I couldn't get over the horror fest that transpired before my very eyes. Nightmare fuel.
          Enough about me. What episode(s) do YOU think are the scariest, and why?


@Kittymasterofall14 I have more to add. 
            After taking a deeper dive into Freaky Fred, I realized that his obsession with shaving people bald is like a fetish of some kind, in which it's completely out of control. To the point where he can't function normally anymore.
            And to make it even worse, he's essentially a serial killer or sex offender in everything EXCEPT action. He's not really dangerous. If he existed in real life, the worst he'd do is shave you bald. But there are people LIKE him who exist in real life, and THEIR impulses aren't harmless, unlike Fred's. 
            Hair will grow back, but the damage that smile will do to your mental probably won't be reversible. It sure wasn't for me. 
            And I'm going to be completely, 100% honest, I'd rather watch "The Mask" five times over than watch "Freaky Fred" a second time.


@Kittymasterofall14 The House of Discontent? I saw that one, and, yeah, that floating head was creepy. But honestly, in terms of random changes in animation, the fetus creature in "Perfect" and King Ramses looked so much worse.


Freaky Fred is indeed horrifying!


I've told y'all about "The Serval's Roar", my first original work on AO3, which is currently going through some tweaks and minor spelling errors.
          Well, @Kittymasterofall14 , what if I told you I was bringing back four of the eight tigers from my TMNT universe? I'm bringing back Marcus, Nyata, Varian, and Apollo (under different names: Pyro, Gale, Ardhi, and Malik).
          Well, @rainywashere , what if I told you that I was bringing the water dogs (Diesel, Galileo, Ingrid, Marina, Augustus, Kenai, and Socrates) back from the "A Sea Dog's Tale" series? 
          What if I told you all there'd be a villain VERY similar to Mother Gothel from Tangled? 
          What if I told you that Morder's float would return? 
          I'm not telling you when...