Hey, I have a question, IceyBlue, but when will you actually upload the first chapter to your book, Savior? I’ve read the prologue so long ago, and it seems well-made. Just curious.
@ReapersWrath I apologize that you've had to wait so long. Actually, I had a few minor issues with the first chapter so I had to take some time to replan it and re-organize some things. Sadly, I had to delete what I had to delete what I had already written and start from scratch. I will attempt to have the new and approved chapter up soon so I would appreciate if you could please wait patiently. I'm genuinely sorry.
So has anyone heard of that new movie Midnight Sun right? I've come to realize that this movie is an exact replica of a manga I read like 2 years ago. First we have Hallmark copying Yuri on Ice, now this?
Hello, I do hope I’m not bothering you. Just thought I’d stop by, and see if you’d be interested in taking a look at my book Partnered Up. It’s a weird, unusual love story, that I’ve recently completed. If not, I completely understand. Thanks, and I hope you have a great day/night. ((:
So like, for a while now...I HAVE BEEN READING FANFICTION NONSTOP. So the latest fanfic I've read inspired me to....WRITE MY OWN!! I'm still thinking about it vut it's something I'm interested in
but my phones childblocked ((and my dAD FORGOT THE UNLOCKING PASSWORD AGES AGO))
so I couldn't read your last message you sent to me
could you possibly type another thing as well?
usually that will fix the block