Happy birthday Akutagawa Ryuunosuke! Be happy and gay little boy. Anyways, I'm alive! I doing way better now and everything's been good so far.
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Happy birthday Akutagawa Ryuunosuke! Be happy and gay little boy. Anyways, I'm alive! I doing way better now and everything's been good so far.
Happy birthday Akutagawa Ryuunosuke! Be happy and gay little boy. Anyways, I'm alive! I doing way better now and everything's been good so far.
I hate my mom so fucking much. I hate my mom so fucking much! I came to the kitchen so I could eat dinner. And there was this big ass bowl on the counter. But I didnt grab it because I dont eat that much food. And she goes; "You're not gonna take the biggest bowl?" Like I was going to eat all of that food. And what annoys me is that she kept pushing the situation and I told her to shut up because I hated being treated that way. And this bitch gets upset at me like I did something wrong. Then I say that I only said that because she was being disrespectful. You see, I was standing up for myself. And this woman takes offense to that. Then all the sudden my dad butt's in and tells me not to do that because "she's your mother. Respect her." But she was being disrespectful first? And why am I in the wrong for standing up for myself? I literally have to deal with this on a daily basis. Of course I'm going to snap and get upset at some point. And now this bitch is saying that she won't give me money for my mall trip. Like what? This isn't about the money, but personally I think that's unfair for the fact that I had to stand up for myself. Is this some kind of generational trauma or something? Because I know damn well she thinks that fat shaming me is "okay" because I'm her daughter. Like what logic is that? I wish I could just go and die already. Then I wouldn't have to deal with this shit everyday.
The sight of you crying still haunts me. I can't even get over the fact that I hurt you. I'm yet again sorry Yuyin. I know you don't want me to apologize, but I can't help it.
@YuyinWasHere Okay. You should style our hair too. I just got a straightener yesterday and I can now curl my hair.
@Ichangeusertoomuch0 Hugs but no kisses and if you manage to read wear makeup tomorrow bc i will ⊂(・▽・⊂)
@Ichangeusertoomuch0 OMG Girl i cry on a daily basis (Not really but over small things) Its ok, i'm ok now STOP saying sorry man I forgive you, so forgive your self it's not good to dwell on the past pookie focus on the future of you AND me + and Some other lovely peeps like Baji-Izana-Emma-and wattpad y/n
I hope my science teacher goes to hell, better yet I hope the gods curse her with immortality so she has to watch her kids die. She's so god damn sensitive and got upset at me over the fact tha I wanted to sit next to my friend and talk while we did an activity. Everyone else was literally talking to each other too, so I don't know why she got so upset at me over a fucking seat. She got so damn offended that she called my dad acting like I gave two shits. My dad did tell me to not swear at her, but based off what he said he doesn't care. Plus why is she acting like it's the end of the world that I want to talk with someone else other than my seatmate? She literally asked me if my seatmate made me upset as if my seatmate actually did something to me. I'm best friends with my seatmate btw. But she acts like towards me, but won't assess the kids who actually won't listen? Like who the fuck does she think she is? Because all I did was come over to my friend and talk. While she didn't say shit to the actual bad kids. This is why everyone in my grade hates her, she acts like the smallest thing is the end of the fucking world. Also, so the fuck what if I get in trouble? What's my school gonna do? They don't do shit to anyone who acts out. Let alone, we don't even have anything like detention. If I get in trouble the worst I'll get is a day or two of suspension.
I Got you bag of stuff
I still feel very bad for what I did. Even though you forgave me, I still don't forgive myself. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself, and I'll remember what I did to you. I feel like a horrible person too. I know you really do love me as a friend, but I feel like you deserve someone who won't hurt you like I did. I understand if you're still upset at me too. You have every right to resent me for my actions. I just hope you know that I think about what I did a lot and I really hate myself. I'm sorry I hurt you Yuyin, I hope I can learn how to forgive myself.
@Ichangeusertoomuch0 No but i really can't wait til i see you and everybody again ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ I mean i like sleeping in and playing fornite at home but it's so lonely unless i'm playing with my friends on fornite
@Ichangeusertoomuch0 Your a good person just so you know plus it's ok we're still growing so we'll grow together sound cheesy but yea ♥
Merry Christmas! Even if you don't celebrate, I hope you have a good day today. -Akio
Pimpin on that beat in Otonoke(?) goes hard
Y'all I finally got HSR (Honkai: Star rail) and I'm so happy. I chose Caelus and named him George.
Haha...kinda forgot abt HSR cuz I couldn't beat a boss.....and I couldn't get my equilibrium LV. 2....
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