
Me: *no ha terminado de escribir la continuación de EI/AM* ya esta escribiendo un oneshot sobre Yurio* #momologic (?)


Holy Crayola it's been so freaking long since the last time I was active here?? Like, my English was crap at that time?? And now I mostly write in English?? lol
          So, updates on my life: I've been living on USA for the past two years. I had to leave my beloved Venezuela. Cries. Erm, as you can tell, now my English doesn't suck...that much (?). I'm working and, possibly, I'll start college on January. Idk, maybe. Wish me luck.
          The reason of my absence is mainly that I had to delete the app from my phone because, at that time, said shitty phone had so little internal memory + plus my SD was almost full. So I had to get rid of a few things.
          I'll try to be more active now, I guess.
          Momo out ♥


Why can't anyone be French!?!?!? *Headdesk!* Lol, just kidding. You know, my dad used to be in the military, and I've lived in Colombia. I've only every been to Caracas, but still! What part of Venezuela are you from? (P.S. thanks for adding me!)