this message may be offensive
Jadi.... ehem.
Ada noname-- bukan lebih tepatnya akgae yg mulai nyari masalah bilang "we can get rid 0n9n1EL shipper because they are just support one of them"
I'm like bitch??! You know what, I'll support KANG DANIEL no matter what happend and I'll show you the power of the real real fans should be!! I'll get rid an akgae like you who underestimate wanna one friendship and make daniel more suffered because of those useless rumour!! Did you see his eyes?!! Swollen as fuck!!! And it is because all of you the toxic fans out there!!!!!!
I'm mad-- no, I'M FURIOUS BITCH!!!!
Jadi, saya akan terus dukung Daniel. Tapi, belum bisa ngeship ongniel lagi. Ga bisa? Ga bakal bisa lagi?? Yah, gitulah pokoknya.