
Sorry guys for the rather obvious absence!
          	Currently in a pile of work at the moment due to colloge applications going smoohtly we were advised first hand to uh. study cuz yeah entrance exams a a** especially when my brain is currently at max capacity its literally burning 
          	Hopefully i'll be able to continue after I pass every sectors needed man life tough out here!
          	oh! and note since its been weeks of revamping all my studies its nearly done. So ill get some creative work on the stories I left as draft although itll be soon, i probably need to re-read them cuz yeah short term memory :P 
          	You onjoy your time now see ya :)
          	-from author ❤


Sorry guys for the rather obvious absence!
          Currently in a pile of work at the moment due to colloge applications going smoohtly we were advised first hand to uh. study cuz yeah entrance exams a a** especially when my brain is currently at max capacity its literally burning 
          Hopefully i'll be able to continue after I pass every sectors needed man life tough out here!
          oh! and note since its been weeks of revamping all my studies its nearly done. So ill get some creative work on the stories I left as draft although itll be soon, i probably need to re-read them cuz yeah short term memory :P 
          You onjoy your time now see ya :)
          -from author ❤


So uh, guys in the next few days like excatly 2 or 3 days, ill be only modifying some already publish chapters, like no kidding the prompt chapters grammar are either bad or just unreadable, horwever! Only grammars will be change not the story itself! 
          Good-day/night for everyone reading also, any idea's on what should i adding in later chapters.